Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sudeep Annem Essays (1507 words) - United States, Film,

Sudeep Annem Mrs. Burch AP English Literature 15 November 2017 John Steinbeck's Award-Winning Prowess Nobel Prize winners are synonymous with excellence and achievement at the highest level. One recipient of this illustrious award is John Steinbeck. According to BBC Bitesize, Steinbeck grew up in rural California during the time of The Great Depression, which proved to be a great influence on the topic and matter of his novels. His ability to weave exquisite details while designating hidden meanings and commentaries within his novels was remarkable. He rose to acclaim as one of the renowned authors of his time through the usage of vivid imagery, the way he encompassed his personal experiences into the personalities of his characters and he deservedly wonthe Nobel Prize because of his distinct and powerful individual pieces of literature as well as the ways these pieces accurately represented the struggles of the American people during his time period. Although there were many (including himself) that believed that Steinbeck was undeserving of the award, among his countless works o f literature, two of his most glorious creations, Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath, served as valuable evidence when asserting that Steinbeck was well deserving of the prestigious Nobel Prize and the recognition that came along with it. Steinbeck's real-life experiences with society's migrant workers during the time of the Dust Bowl epidemic served as inspirations for the main message of both of the novels. The humiliation and hardship that these workers faced during these harsh times were accurately reflected in the depiction of the lives of ranch hands George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men and the lives of the Joad family, a clan of sharecroppers. The vivid description of the harsh circumstances that many Americans faced during these times brought with it harsh criticism from defensive landowners and nationalistic citizens, but despite all of the controversy that arose from these publications Steinbeck continued to state that his goal for writing both of these novels was not to incriminate or demonize those in the industry, instead it was to allow all of the American public the ability to resonate with the experiences these farmers had to face in order to allow them to coexist better in this country. Kristen Mas ters details on her blog that the same controversy that held Steinbeck at odds with critics is what led to copious quantities of his works being sold. She then continued by arguing that the political importance of an author's works is deserving of consideration when deciding the winners of the prize and that the individual contributions to literature that The Grapes of Wrath had pushed Steinbeck past the threshold and made him a qualified recipient. Steinberg makes use of his adept handling of imagery while connecting to the social topics he is discussing when he has George articulate "Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don't belong no place. They come to a ranch an' work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know they're poundin' their tail on some other ranch. They ain't got nothing to look ahead to." (Steinbeck 12). He directly points to the predictable continuous lifestyl e the ranch hands were accustomed to and brings about a sense of the misery and dreariness of this type of existence. This depiction of the depression that was resoundingly present during these times is similarly portrayed in The Grapes of Wrath in chapter 26 when Tom Joad witnesses the murder of fellow worker Curly and kills the perpetrator. It is eventually brought to attention that Curly died because he was on strike in order to protest the low pay the farmers were receiving since it was not even enough for their families to subsist on such minimal pay. Through this chapter in the novel, Steinbeck expressed how the harsh times had led to situations such as these where inhumane acts were being committed as a result of desperation and lack of resources. The ruggedness, solidarity, and the willpower that these workers displayed in order to survive through such a dark period in our history left a profound

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Verbatim Process Report Essay Example

Verbatim Process Report Essay Example Verbatim Process Report Essay Verbatim Process Report Essay I hesitate a little at the question and feel I am trying a bit too hard to make the client more relaxed am still feeling somewhat nervous I maybe I am trying hard to establish a good connection with her to soon 0. Cosec C: um [pause] Ive been feeling quite um upset about um people round me um I kind of feel that some of the girls have been [pause] estranging me [pause] sort of like bullying, Client still seems to be at ease with me although she does hesitate to begin telling me what is bothering her. Her body language is a bit closed, her arms are folded. I dont like bullies so I am quite interested to hear her problem but cautious not to be Judgmental or allow my own bias to Jump In T: Yeah I am trying to be empathetic from early on and want to connect with the client C: sort of bullying feeling She still has her arms crossed. When she says bullying gain I am trying to be neutral in my thoughts although it is quite challenging to put my biases aside 0. Sec T:So the girls around you are feeling like they are coming across as bullying and um [hesitation] I am reflecting what she has told me but I realize I still dont know enough of what has happened so I quickly change the course of the question T: Which girls would these be, which environment? I am trying to understand more of the background of the problem and I ask her to explain the environment. I think a better question would have been, can you tell me more about these girls round you that are making you feel ostracizes or bul lied? :04 C: Theyre, theyre, I can call them, I dont know, we used to be friends I guess um, I kind of want to make that adolescently that thieve Just acquaintances to me now, yup, not really Like friends. But before um, before something happened, I kind of feel Like Oh I can be , we could possibly be um you know true friends who um can talk about, you know have heart to is at ease, unfolded her arms. I sense she is recalling the time when she was close to her friends. I am also feeling more at ease now and interested to hear what she is eying. Client also seems a lot more relaxed with me now although seems a bit confused how to describe her situation 1:32 T: Yeah I am trying my best to keep being empathetic and keep the connection with the client 1 :33 C: And um really giving to, I can be really giving to them, but now I sort of feel like I cant and whenever um theyre around me or I know that we, Im going to hang out with them, I feel really nervous and I dont feel like I can be myself She is tensing up a little now and I sense she is putting herself in that uncomfortable space she might be in when with these rinds. I am listening very intently to the client and trying to process all that she is telling me, I feel a little sorry for her feeling nervous and not being able to be herself 1:52 T:Yes [softly] So when youre with this group, who you say are not necessarily friends anymore but acquaintances I need to be empathetic, she seems very troubled now. C: Yes She seems focused on what I am saying 1:59 T: You feel like when you trying to be around them, theres this nervousness that comes around and sometimes even a bit of anger that you That I am very captioned at myself at this point; I have brought my own Judgment of her feelings and possibly my feelings of anger against bullies and I regret that I have reflected this to her. Although she might be angry, she didnt say she was angry. I am watching her facial expression closely to see if I have Jeopardized our connection or not. 2:09 C: Not [Sigh] I dont feel that there is anger, Im not, Im not angry at them, but probably I am but I Just cant express it, um and what frustrates me is um my partner knew what happened but he felt like Oh maybe I am Just being too sensitive r um Just get over it , you either um be their friends or Just you know leave the circle. But I cant because um we have common friends and I dont want to break the group dynamic The client shows a very interesting reaction to my anger comments. I am not quite sure how to read her but it doesnt seem negative. She seems somewhat relieved that I said it could be anger as well. I too feel somewhat relieved now that the client suggests that she might actually be angry from her situation. I feel somewhat guilty at being glad at this news as it fits well with my view of bullies UT I need to be careful not to Jump to conclusions again. She now tells me about her partner and I am feeling a sense of frustration now at this new information about her boyfriend as I thought we were heading in a specific direction but I feel the client is connecting with me and is speaking more freely and that feels good. 2:41 T: Hey, so youre partner, your partner, his advice is to, to Just end the relationship but he doesnt understand I am trying to let the client know that I hear her loud and clear and want to give her feedback that I have understood the options her boyfriend has revived her with. I do relate to her boyfriends simple advice to her as this is probably how I would react with my partner but I am making a concerted effort to listen and not Judge. I need to think about this further after the session in terms of not favoring the male position with my clients. 2:48 C: [interjects] End, or 2:49 T: [interjects] or or Just deal with it 2:50 C: [interjects] or deal with it 2:51 T: [interjects] but he doesnt understand that its, that a) its not so easy to leave enthusiasm from the client, she seems to be elated that I am understanding her 2:55 T: [continues on] its your close groups of friends C: [interjects] exactly T: [continues] and B) you dont Just want to deal with it, you want to C: [interjects] I CANT T: you want to understand [ client laughs in agreement] why you feeling like this , and why the relationship has C: [interjects] and why they are doing this to me T: yeah C: Yeah This makes me feel really good now; we are connecting and I feel I am following the problem well. She is showing me very good facial expression and I now feel the relationship is at the best it has been since we started. The client is continuing to give me signs that she feels I understand her. 3:06 T: And if we can think back to, to the beginning of these relationships, are these friends who you grew up with, you met through school, through work I now feel more confident to probe further and see if I can understand the situation better. I want to understand who these friends are and I am not so happy that I ask a somewhat close ended question. 3:15 Theyre Just people that I have met through another friend T: Yeah Not much expression on her face now, maybe a bit bothered by my question, not sure 3:ICC:And um D yeah I now hear [by her pause and choice of words] the client is somewhat stuck at what to say next due to my close ended question. I still feel we have good energy together and I feel I can continue with trying another question. 3:20 T: Yeah, and, and when you say you met through another friend, that other friend, are you still close with that other friend or its all in one sort of group I am trying another question and I want her to explain the friends relationships more clearly to me. :30 C: Jim, the friend actually left the group, I mean she, she was living in Melbourne but she has moved overseas, so shes not hectically close to us T:[interjects]Yes C:um but she is quite, she is still quite close with the other girls C: the girls who I thought you know they were bullying me yes C: um but I dont really um contact, have much contact with um the common friend anymore T: [interjects] yeah She seems a bit bothered to talk about the original friend but seems okay to share with me. I do feel a little frustrated again at this point. There is a lot of information being provided by the client and I am working hard to stay on track and I am responding yes quite a bit to indicate to the client that I am still listening and still with her. I sense she still feels connected 4:00 T: Yeah, So could you, could you perhaps describe a little bit of this bullying that they have done, so I can Just get a better understanding if you like, Just so I could perhaps bring a bit of perspective to it I feel the need to go back to her original remarks about the bullying. I am wary to go on a further tangent due to the time constraints and therefore want to bring it back to her original complaint about her feeling bullied. 4:14 C: Sure, yeah, um The client is reassuring and seems ailing to focus on the bullying. I now feel less frustrated and more confident that we are connecting again. 4:1 5 C: So what happened was, this is over a course of quite you know a few months T: Yeah C: of time and um so one of the girls thought that I was being a um uh a third wheel to, to a persons, to a couples relationship. T: yeah C: When I thought that the couple was actually you know their opportunity ends for a relationship, theyre going to you know have a break up, or whatever, T: yeah She seems lost in her thoughts, her eyes glazing upwards and appears to be reliving the me more information. :ICC: and um some of the friends in, in, in the common group thought that you know, its nasty of me and its nasty of my partner to do this to the girl. So the girl was being played as the victim and I and my partner being played as the bully actually. She seems to be back from reliving the experience, head and eyes back facing me and now seems to be connecting with the feeling of being bullied from her friends. I am not so happy to hear that her friends think she is nasty as she appears to me to be a good person but I know this is my own Judgment and need to stay focused on hearing what she says.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Understanding Trademark Names and Logos

Understanding Trademark Names and Logos Both the Nike logo with its widely recognizable swoosh and the phrase Just Do It are excellent examples of a trademark. A great trademark can help with the sales of goods and services, and very desirable goods or services can make a trademark famous. What Is A Trademark? Trademarks protect words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that distinguish goods and services. Trademarks, unlike patents, can be renewed forever as long as they are being used in business. The roar of the MGM lion, the pink of the insulation made by Owens-Corning (who uses the Pink Panther in advertising by permission from its owner!), and the shape of a Coca-Cola bottle are familiar trademarks. These are brand names and identities and are important in marketing a product or service. Brand Name Vs Generic Name Naming an invention involves developing at least two names. One name is the generic name. The other name is the brand name or trademark name. For example, Pepsi  ® and Coke  ® are brand names or trademark names; cola or soda are the generic or product names. Big Mac  ® and Whopper  ® are brand names or trademark names; hamburger is the generic or product name. Nike  ® and Reebok  ® are brand names or trademark names; sneaker or athletic shoe are generic or product names. Primary Trademarks The term trademark is often used to refer to any type of mark that can be registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office or USPTO. The two primary types of marks that can be registered with the USPTO are: Trademarks that are used by their owners to identify goods, that is, physical commodities, which may be natural, manufactured, or produced, and which are sold or otherwise transported or distributed via interstate commerce.Service marks that are used by their owners to identify services, that is, intangible activities, which are performed by one person for the benefit of a person or persons other than himself, either for pay or otherwise. Other Types of Marks There are other types of marks that can be registered, however, they occur infrequently and have some different requirements for registration than the more commonly applied for trademarks and service marks. Since the benefits of registration are essentially the same for all types of marks, the term trademark is often used in general information that applies to service marks, certification marks, and collective marks as well as to true trademarks, the marks used on goods. Using Trademark Symbols You can use the symbols TM for trademark or SM for service mark to indicate that you are claims rights to the marks without having federal registration. However, use of the TM and SM symbols may be governed by different local, state, or foreign laws. The federal registration symbol  ® can only be used after the mark is actually registered in the USPTO. Even though an application is pending, the registration symbol  ®may not be used before the mark has actually become registered. Can I Apply For A Registered Trademark By Myself? Yes, and you would also be responsible for observing and complying with all the procedural issues and requirements. Trademark registration is not easy, you may need professional help. The names of attorneys who specialize in trademark law may be found in the telephone yellow pages, or by contacting a local bar association.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Journal Entries Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal Entries - Assignment Example I do not like the way the drugs make me feel. Although my mother ensured that I took my medicine at the stated time, I felt sick to the stomach but I did not expel them. I had a healthy meal as prescribed by my doctor; the vegetarian lasagna was just great. Sometimes after taking the medication, I had a slight headache. I could not log onto my computer to obsess over their lives. Moreover, I got the sleep that I had missed for days. I admit I had a good night rest. Taking lithium and Clozapine makes me feel nauseated, drowsy, and fatigued. Furthermore, I have been taking a lot of naps, and I miss using my computer, I can only use it for a limited time span as I have blurred vision. Also, I cannot get outside as my eyes are sensitive to the sun. However, I am taking my treatment plan as positively as ever. I am still happy, and I do understand why I am still taking this medication, but I have to. I woke up at dawn for a run, to get rid of the excess vigor. My doctor advised me that exercising is great, that is why I choose to go for a run. After the run, I took my medication and had a nap. So far, I have been watching what I eat- no junk food for me. I can admit that I feel great and cannot wait for the next day to reach do that I could do the same. However, I have a desire to quench my thirst now and then; my water bottle has been my faithful

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis the Fidelity Investment case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis the Fidelity Investment case - Essay Example as 74% of fidelity’s employees felt more connected to their colleagues after teaching an apprenticeship and 95% reported improved team building traits. Eric Schwarz was interested on the shocking large drop outs of the disadvantaged students. Nearly 1.2 million students dropped out of high school every year. It was discovered that the middle school years were very critical in determining of whether the students would end-up graduating from high school. He thus sorts to establish a lasting solution through partnership with Fidelity Investment Company. This case therefore sorts to provide solutions to the middle level disadvantaged student. This was done through controlling the high rates of school drop-outs to successfully graduate and their after advance to college while at the same time fully participate in the civic and economic life of their communities. The success of a business is generally determined by its location, this is very essential for the investment. Locating a business within communities with vibrant arts organization and a rich cultural life is of great significance to the business. This is because the communities will greatly invest and the business will reap the benefits of economic growth, jobs and the quality of life in these communities. The benefits that a business receives from the community are as a resort of business contribution and giving back to the community. Businesses therefore should support to the art and school programs in the community just like the Fidelity Investment. The business planner make crucial decisions concerning the support community projects and by how much, these decisions are driven by; the community expectations, conflict reduction, risk management and technical competence and the value of the money. In the event that the local community feels that the local businesses are not sufficiently investing in the community, the residents tend to conflict with the company and eventually the business will

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men Essay The best laid schemes of mice and men, go often askew, and leave us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy. There are some factors in life you cannot control or plan for. People make a map of how they want and need to reach your goals, but there is always a stronger or unpredictable power to throw you right off you’re path. This theme from â€Å"To a Mouse† is universal. Big Lannie, from the short story â€Å"Clothe the Naked†, is a strong, caring and loving woman. Who always makes the brightest of plans for her children and grandson’s, Raymond, futures. But the force that ruins her dreams of Raymond’s joy, is prejudice, due to her African American heritage and ignorance. And then there is Doodle, from the short story â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis†, this poor young boy faces the cruel reality and obsticle that is being physical disabled. This obstacle keeps Doodle and the Narrator from achieving their goal of Doodle walking. Finally, there is Lenny Small and George Milton, from the novella Of Mice and Men, these two friends just want to own their own little ranch, but the uncontrollable factor that changes the courses they take and ruins the Natalie DeRosa hances of ever owning their own land is Lenny. You can plan how to reach your goals, but often they are just some factors that dictate your steps. Dorothy Parker’s â€Å"Clothe the Naked† shows how some goals can’t be achieved due to the unavoidable factor of racism and ignorance. Poor Big Lannie, all she cares about is the well fare of her children and grandson. But all her children did not live to grow up, except one. Her daughter, Arlene, lives to grow up, but then dies giving birth to a baby boy, Raymond. Big Lannie decides to take care of little Raymond, who was born blind. Big Lannie works at, for lack of better terminology, white middle class women’s homes. She is a very good worker, but is not given any respect due to her black skin. Raymond loves to walk around the streets outside their small apartment. He loves to listen to the children laugh and play, since he cannot see them. But a very cold and harsh winter comes around and there is no clothes to keep Raymond warm enough and go outside and no money to buy clothes. Big Lannie knows this a problem that must be fixed, in order to achieve her constant goal of keeping Raymond Natalie DeRosa happy. Big Lannie frets and begs her employer, Ms. Ewing, for some of her husband’s spare clothes. And Ms. Ewing reluctantly gives Big Lannie her husband’s old suit, and makes her feel terrible for asking. Big Lannie excitingly dress Raymond and adjust the suit, for it is too big. Raymond walks outside, waiting to hear laughter and joy, everything he’s been dreaming of while waiting in the apartment for clothes. But he goes outside and painful humiliating laughter. This is shock a shock that he falls to the ground and scrapes his hands and knees. He has to crawl home. Poor Raymond, he just dreams of going outside and hearing kids play, but now he hears the cruel laughter of prejudice and children’s ignorance. These are the two unavoidable factors that keep Big Lannie from her dreams of Raymond’s happiness, because now Raymond is no longer innocent. And now he is scared of the streets, the only thing that made him light up with joy. James Hurst recognizes the theme that the best mapped out plans often just do not work out due to ineluctable factors in â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis†. In this story, the narrator schemes his plan out of pride, because he is Natalie DeRosa ashamed of his brother, Doodle. Doodle has a disability and cannot walk. The narrator determines to make Doodle walk before school starts, out of fear of embarrassment. Doodle agrees, out of both loyalty to his brother and his wish to walk. They would go to Old Woman Swamp and practice. Eventually Doodle did walk, but that made the narrator craves more, make his brother more like normal children. He had his brother run, and swing on vines. But Doodle simply can’t keep up, and eventually he gives up and dies, the power of his handicap defeated both their dreams. And there is nothing they can do to prevent or fix this ineluctable hurdle on the road to their hopes and dreams. In John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men this theme is also illustrated. Lenny Small and George Milton dream of owning their own ranch, where Lenny can have rabbits to pet and tend to. Their plan is to work at a local ranch for a month and raise enough money to put down on some land for sale. George always reminds Lenny to behave and he will have his rabbits, but Lenny is very forgetful and is not very bright. Lenny loves to pet anything soft, mice, dogs, velvet, etc. George always tries to Natalie DeRosa make him stop, but he cannot. Lenny loves to pet so much, he pets to death. And their dream of owning the ranch is ruined because of innocent Lenny’s ignorance. He disobeys George’s orders to not speak to their boss’s sons, Curley’s, wife. But when Curley’s wife approaches Lenny and offers him to pet her hair, he cannot refuse. But he doesn’t know when to stop, and then she screams. Lenny fears George will hear and find out and he won’t be able to have rabbits so he puts his hand over her mouth. But he accidently breaks her neck and kills her. This made it impossible to ever own a ranch or do any of their dreams, because of the fact that Lenny’s nature of being. The best laid schemes of mice and men, go often askew, and leave us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy. Most dreams just cannot be fulfilled and it is out of your control. Just as demonstrated in â€Å"Clothe the Naked†, â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis†, and Of Mice and Men. I feel that the novella was the best genre for this theme, because this theme needs in depth explanation and should be more complex than a short story. I think it makes a minor difference the choice of genre, because it is harder in short Natalie DeRosa stories to accomplish spreading this theme than in maybe a novella or novel. The best laid schemes of mice and men, go often askew, and leaves us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy, this theme is universal and is everywhere. You can plan and plan, but there are just some factors you cannot beat.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Search for Scientific Truth Leads to God Essays -- Science Religio

The Search for Scientific Truth Leads to God At the dawn of the twenty-first century, many now realize that the opposition of science and religion has been exhausted. Today, unification of the two is imperative. The first step in this direction is recognizing that science is not the only source of knowledge; experience, spiritual discernment and spiritual experience constitute the unified process of cognizing the world. I. About the Unified Language in which the Laws of Nature are Written It began in Moscow more than forty years ago. At that time I had the chance to be the graduate student of the distinguished physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, and wonderful man, Igor Evgenievich Tamm. (1) In those days theoretical physics experienced a state of deep depression. After the success of quantum electrodynamics had astonished the imagination, further advancement was hindered by the lack of fundamentally new physical ideas. With this Igor Evgenievich was repeatedly saying to me that, by inventing different models of interactions, we impose our own "human" language on nature. But nature does not understand us, and dialogue does not come about. That is why, our primary task is to learn to "listen" to nature in order to understand its "language." But where is this language? In what it is encapsulated? It is in laws. It is in the laws of Newton, in the equations of Maxwell, in Euclidean geometry, in the laws of quantum mechanics. All these laws are "written" in some unified language. Thus at the end of 1960 there was set up a completely unusual task: to find the unified universal language in which all fundamental physical laws are written, and then, leaning on this, to review and to reassess the basis of all physics. Histor... ...ld. And, though man is the product of evolution, that evolution is purposeful and has created him in "the image and likeness of God." Our capacity for creativity and for abstract thinking, and ability to understand the World around us is not "the property of highly organized matter," but presents itself as the particle of God inserted into us. And it is not labor at all, but only the very act of inspiration, in its own way, which detached man from the rest of the humanoid family as a unique creature. Notes (1) The Memoirs on I.E. Tamm. M; Nauka. 1981. p.296. (2) Priest. Christianity and Atheism. ed. S.A. Zheludkov, K.A. Lyubarski. Brussels; 1982. p.139. (3) Theses in two volumes. V.I. ed. N. Kuzanski. M; 1979. p.66. (4) Theses in two volumes. V.I. ed. N. Kuzanski. M; 1979. p.64. (5) Religious Philosophy. ed. I.A. Iliin. M; Medium. 1994. p.100, 300.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Greenmail & firing employees Essay

The term is a greenmail is formed by combining the terms greenback and blackmail, invented by journalists and commentators who saw the practices of corporate raiders as a form of blackmail. The target company is financially held hostage, and is legally forced to pay the greenmailer to go away. Greenmailing is a variation on the corporate raid or hostile takeover. The greenmailer commonly targets a publicly traded company that is cash rich but often undervalued, with large assets and possibly a solid customer base. Other targets are companies that are simply inefficient. The greenmailer isn’t really interested in the business of the company. It doesn’t want to own the company, improve it, or further build it up. It will, if forced to acquire the target, sell its parts off piecemeal, which can bring a greater profit than selling the whole target. This is called asset stripping and involves replacing management and firing employees. Greenmail proved lucrative for investors such as T. Boone Pickens and Sir James Goldsmith during the 1980s. In the latter example, Goldsmith made $90 million from the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in the 1980s in this manner. Occidental Petroleum paid greenmail to David Murdoch in 1984. However, if a proper greenmail occurs, the greenmailer merely secures a significant stake in the target company. The greenmailer can offer to end the threat to the target company by selling its share back at a substantial premium. The target or â€Å"mark† can also go private with the same results: a profit to the greenmailer. The greenmailer gets away with no oversight, low overhead, and its profits. The target is left poorer and without the assets that attracted the raid in the beginning. A company which agrees to buy back the bidder’s stock position avoids being taken over. In return, the bidder agrees to abandon the takeover attempt and may sign a confidential agreement with the â€Å"greenmailer† who will agree not to resume the maneuver for a period of time. Greenmail is a corporate defense mechanism to buy back shares from shareholders attempting to control the firm. The practice has many critics but it can result to potential windfall for the company by protecting company shares from low takeovr bids and gives the firm the opportunity to restructure management. While benefiting the â€Å"greenmailer†, the company loses capital and other assets. This hamstrings its future growth potential. This means the shareholders lose as well in addition to impacting the supplier and customers economically linked to the company. Generally the company’s existing management may remain in place but the employees usually see their ranks reduced. Courts in states such as Calfornia have favored shareholder lawsuits, based on the contention that greenmailer constituted a breach of fiduciary responsibility. Greenmail is arguably counter productive because once such a payment becomes public others may feign a takeover attempt. Greenmail is money paid by a company (or allied company or individual) to acquire its own shares of stock from a shareholder who is threatening to take control of, or unwanted influence over, the company. In the parlance of the financial community, strategies to prevent a takeover are called a â€Å"Poison pill†. This implies that the corporate raider will suffer if they try to swallow the target of the takeover. This involves a myriad of arcane changes in the details of corporate ownership structure, investment market rules, and may involve legal requirement in the jurisdiction where the company is incorporated. Individual states may pass â€Å"protectionist† laws that impose limits for launching formal bids, or obligations to seek shareholder approval for the buyback of its own shares, and in Federal tax treatment of greenmail gains have all made greenmail far less common since the early 1990s. Heckmann et al. v. Ahmanson trial in July 1989. This was one of the final cases involving the payment of †greenmail†. Greenmail is slang for targeted share repurchases – transactions in which a company repurchases shares from specific holders, rather than on the open market. In the 1980s, it was not uncommon for companies to pay greenmail to large investors who were challenging corporate management and threatening a takeover of the firm. In this case, Disney had paid a premium price to repurchase shares accumulated by Saul Steinberg’s Reliance Group. Working with attorney Michael Hennigan, I explained to the jury how this could damage Disney’s other shareholders and to estimate the amount of the damage. Following my direct examination, as Arthur Liman was standing to begin his cross, the judge decided recess the trial early for the July 4th holiday. During the recess, the case settled. It was the only greenmail case in which plaintiffs received a cash settlement.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Importance of Water Essay

In order to fulfill his desires, man exploits the environmental factors to a greater extent, by which the environment loses its natural capacity for self-stabilization. The impact of man’s various activities that are detrimental to the environment are: * Increase in population density. * Rapid urbanization * Massive industrial growth * Inadequate food and * Depletion of resources. To meet the increasing demands of time, human beings deliberately exploit the natural environment to improve their quality of life. Unknowingly, different environmental activities such as construction of roads dams, airports, buildings, irrigation projects, power plants and industries have some negative repercussions on the environment in which man lives. Thus, the developmental activities are unsustainable for global ecosystem. But we cannot stop these activities. For the development of the nation, these activities are essential. Industrial growth is directly related to nation’s economy. Construction of major and minor irrigation projects and development of new power plants must not be frozen. Hence at the present context, when man has reached at twenty first century, no body would want for technological stagnation. On the other hand, excessive exploitation of the environment through these technological implications leads to disaster. Hence, there is the problem of one word â€Å"pollution. † So what is needed is the environmental management and sustainable development. â€Å"Sustainable development is implied to regulate the demands of man in such a manner that the ability of the same environment to sustain his development will remain un-repaired,. — is the version of Bindu N. Lohani. Hence much emphasis is given on environmental management and sustainable development. â€Å"It is as a discipline by itself is growing rapidly and no way it proposes to halt economic growth and to stop technical development; rather it aims at achieving that sustainable rate of economic growth which is necessary to meet man’s material needs whilst conserving scarce natural resources and protecting both the external and the internal environments,† says Dr.  Uma Shankar, senior faculty member of Management Development Institute, New Delhi. Hence, sustainable development and environmental management are essential for improvement both the quality of the environment and the quality of human life. For that source areas are identified to give utmost priorities.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

NYU, New York University and Early Decision

NYU, New York University and Early Decision If you know that NYU is the school that you most want to attend, applying through tone of the universitys early decision options might be a wise choice. Key Takeaways: NYU and Early Decision NYU has two early decision options: Early Decision I has a November 1st deadline, and Early Decision II has a January 1st deadline.Applying early decision is one of the best ways to demonstrate your sincere interest in NYU, and it can improve your chances of getting in.Early decision is binding. If admitted, you are required to attend. The Advantages of Early Decision If you have a clear first-choice college that is highly selective, you should certainly consider applying early decision or early action if these options are available. At the great majority of colleges, the acceptance rate is higher for students who apply early; this point is remarkably clear in this early application information for the Ivy League. NYUs admissions website notes that for the class of 2021, the overall admit rate was 28 percent, while the admit rate for early decision was 38 percent. Note that this means that applying early increases your chances of admission by more than 10 percent, for the overall admit rate includes the early decision student pool. There are several reasons why you have a better chance of admission when applying early. For one, students who are able to get their applications together in October are clearly ambitious, organized, and good time managers. These are all traits possessed by successful college students. Also, colleges frequently use demonstrated interest as a factor when evaluating applications. A student who applies early is clearly interested. This is particularly true for early decision since applicants can apply to only one school through an early decision option. Finally, early decision applicants have the advantage of learning the decision of the admissions office early. Students who apply through NYUs Early Decision I will receive their decision by December 15th, and those who apply through Early Decision II get a decision by February 15th. Regular decision applicants dont receive a decision until April 1st. The Drawbacks of Early Decision If you know that New York University is your top choice school and you are able to complete a strong application by the deadline, early decision is definitely the way to go. The option, however, is not for everyone, and it does have a few drawbacks: Early decision is binding. If you are admitted, you are required to attend, and you must withdraw all of your other college applications.Because early decision is binding, you wont be able to compare different financial aid offers from multiple schools.If you are applying Early Decision I, you need to request letters of recommendation as soon as the school year starts, and youll want to take the SAT or ACT early.If youre doing well academically in your senior year, the admissions staff at NYU will likely be making a decision before they see any of your senior year grades. However, early decision does have its drawbacks. The most obvious of these is that the deadline is, well, early. Its often difficult to have SAT or ACT scores in hand by the end of October or early November, and you may want to have some of your senior grades and extracurricular accomplishments as part of your application. NYU's Early Decision Policies NYU changed its application options in 2010 to expand the early decision applicant pool. The prestigious Manhattan university now has two early decision deadlines NYU Application Options Option Application Deadline Decision Early Decision I November 1 December 15 Early Decision II January 1 February 15 Regular Decision January 1 April 1 If youre familiar with NYU, you may be wondering how January 1st is considered early. After all, the regular admission deadline is also January 1st. The answer has to do with the nature of early decision. If you are accepted under early decision, NYUs policy states that you must withdraw all applications you may have submitted to other colleges, and ... pay a tuition deposit within three weeks of notification. For regular admissions, nothing is binding and you have until May 1st to make a decision about which college to attend. In short, NYUs Early Decision II option is a way for students to tell the university that NYU is their first choice and they will definitely attend NYU if accepted. While the deadline is the same as regular admission, students who apply under Early Decision II can clearly demonstrate their interest in NYU. Early Decision II applicants have the added perk that they will receive a decision from NYU by mid-February, over a month early than applicants in the regular decision pool. NYU does not indicate if Early Decision I has any advantage over Early Decision II. However, Early Decision I applicants are clearly telling NYU that the university is their first choice. The timing of Early Decision II is such that an applicant can be rejected through Early Decision at another university, and still apply in time for Early Decision II at NYU. So for Early Decision II applicants, NYU might be their second choice school. If NYU is definitely your first choice school, it may be to your advantage to apply Early Decision I. A Final Word About NYU and Early Decision Do not apply early decision to NYU or any college unless you are absolutely sure that the school is your first choice. Early decision (unlike early action) is binding, and if you change your mind you will lose a deposit, violate your contract with the early decision school, and even run the risk of having applications at other schools voided. You should also avoid early decision if you are concerned about financial aid and what the option of shopping around for the best offer.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Capital Allocation Competency on Business

This study has highlighted the marketing behaviour of Wesfarmers Limited. In this connection, this study has highlighted stakeholder’s perceptions regarding the performance of the organisation. In addition, this study has provided the reputation, mission and corporate service responsibility of Wesfarmers. On the other hand, in this study the annual ranking of Wesfarmers would be mentioned. This study has also identified the stakeholders of the organisation. The business objectives of Wesfarmers would be discussed in this connection.   In this section, Wesfarmers Limited is a renowned Australian conglomerate and the head quarter is in Western Australia. Wesfarmers is famous for its retailing business. In addition, Wesfarmers is also famous for the production of chemicals, fertilisers, coal mining and other safety products. As opined by Ohata & Kumar (2012), it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers has earned highest revenue in the year of 2015 within the industry. Wesfarmers has earned AUS$ 62.7 billion revenue. Moreover, it can be added that Wesfarmers overtook it’s rival Woolworths Limited. The number of employees in this organisation is approximately 205000 and therefore, it can be identified that Wesfarmers is the largest private organisation of Australia. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that the number of shareholders of Wesfarmers are approximately 530,000. Wesfarmers cooperative limited was developed in the year of 1914 as a cooperative organisation. In the year of 1919, more than 65 cooperative org anisations were treated as the agents of Westralian farmers association. On the other hand, it can be stated that after becoming a renowned public organisation, Wesfarmers has aimed to acquire other businesses. In this context, Wesfarmers has acquired Coles group, departmental stores, Kmart automobile organisations, chemical, energy and the fertilisers companies. In the words of Arrfelt et al., (2015), the objectives of Wesfarmers can be discussed briefly in the following: This study also highlights the mission statement of Wesfarmers. In this connection, Haar & White (2013) opined that Wesfarmers aimed to deliver a satisfactory return to the organisational shareholders. Moreover, it can be stated that Wesfarmers has aimed to develop and maintain a disciplined business culture. Furthermore, it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers has focused on four core values such as openness, integrity, boldness and accountability, with refer to the appendix 1. As per the concept of integrity, Wesfarmers tried to do right thing, whereas the openness mission is helpful to work together as one team. The boldness mission highlighted that Wesfarmers always aimed to improve their business performance to earn more revenue compared to it’s competitors.   The accountability factor aimed to the cost structure of the organisation. Mehta & Gupta (2014) added that Wesfarmers aimed to follow end to end relationship with the stakeholders and aimed to manage each of the phase of partner’s work wear cycle. Wesfarmers group has also aimed to the entire systems and processes to meet the organisational passion for the business. According to Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths (2014), it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers is at thirteenth position as per the ranking of corporate reputation index of 2015. The shares of Wesfarmers Limited are higher by 1%. On the contrary, Jia et al., (2014) argued that over the last 12 months the performance of Wesfarmers is not at all impressive along with the gaining of the share price by 3.6%, compared to the 8.1% gain in the index. As per the review, it can be added that the retail market offer the investors of the organisation a steadier growth profile. Therefore, it can be opined that the return on earnings from the business has increased. As a result, the overall profitability of the organisation would be increased ( As per the statement of Kim, Lee & Prideaux (2014), it can be stated that Wesfarmers used to listen and understand the necessity and requirements of the stakeholders in order to make the business of the organisation successful. This stud has identified the employees, consumers, shareholders, suppliers, media, government and the non government organisations as the stakeholders of the company. As per the recent study, it can be noticed that Wesfarmers has employed 220000 people in the year of 2016. Cosby (2014) mentioned that the employees of Wesfarmers seek to be a part of the decision making procedure and provide their valuable review, which would be helpful for the business restructuring. The organisation has also aimed to receive feedback from the employees to improve the performance of the organisation. In this connection, the whistle blower process is benefitted to receive the reviews of the subordinates annually (Ellinger et al., 2012). Wesfarmers always tried to communicate with it’s consumers in order to identify the satisfaction of them. In this connection, the organisation has tried to contact with them through emails, letters, telephones and also trough official websites. After collecting the information and consumers’ feedback, the management supervise the feedback of the consumers based on the collected information. The main issue, which the shareholders of Wesfarmers increased, is connected with the balance sheet and the industrial competitiveness. This would be helpful to operate the dividend policy and portfolio management. Wesfarmers aimed to maintain a long term relation with the suppliers. In this context, Shen et al., (2013) cited that the long term business sustainability would be improved. Wesfarmers is able to return the investment of the suppliers from the business. With refer to the appendix 2, the seven dimensions of corporate culture figure depicted that corporate competency is helpful to analyse the connection between the corporate communication strategy, organisational stakeholders’ position and the performance of the organisation. In the point of Killingsworth & Flynn (2016), it can be mentioned that although there are some small inconsistencies within the model, these minor shortcomings would be reflected in case of the application of seven dimensions of corporate personality scale. On the other hand, it can be added that this corporate connection can be discussed with the help of seven following dimensions, which are benefitted to achieve the mission and the vision statement of an organisation. As per the concept of agreeableness, it can be mentioned that agreeableness is depending upon four dimensions such as social justice, sustainability, and openness and employee engagement. Wesfarmers has aimed to maintain the open arm business culture and follow the corporate social responsibility to improve the business performance and also increase the satisfaction level of the consumers. In this context, Ohata & Kumar (2012) opined that the Wesfarmers also looking for the product innovation in order to improve the performance of the organisation. In addition, the organisation has planned to implement strategic plans to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Core competencies are helpful to develop the organisational strategic management. Strategic development would in turn help Wesfarmers to set the business goals. In addition, it can be mentioned that knowledge would provide the managers of the organisation relevant information. This information is required to recognise the opportunities within the business environment. In the words of Haar & White (2013), this dimension is able to control the inward looking, aggressive and the arrogant corporate personality of Wesfarmers. In this purpose, the managers of Wesfarmers need to monitor the performance of the employees significantly. With the help of this dimension, Wesfarmers would be able to overcome the challenging situation in the business. As opined by Mehta & Gupta (2014), it can be mentioned that the management of an organisation can maintain a stronger relationship with the external stakeholders. This dimension of corporate characteristics refers that Wesfarmers only recruited the efficient and skilled employees. Moreover, it can be added that the employees, who have experiences in this field get the opportunity to recruit. The performance of the skilled employees would in turn increase the overall productivity of the organisation. In order to develop the corporate communication strategies of Wesfarmers, this study has mentioned some relevant approaches. It is necessary to achieve the organisation’s goal to meet the business objectives. According to Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths (2014), these corporation strategies can increase the reputation of the organisation. In this purpose, Wesfarmers could improve the relationship with the stakeholders. The stakeholders also will willing to maintain a long term relationship with the organisation. Moreover, the corporate competencies are aimed to implement product innovation strategy in order to improve the business strategy. Therefore, it can be inferred that core competencies of the business would be increased. In addition, Cosby (2014) mentioned that it is necessary to develop the trust of the stakeholders. This is also important to make a business successful. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers requires to improve the brand image and the brand valuation. This would increase the consumer purchase intentions and consumer loyalty. The consumers also would like to purchase goods from the organisation. Therefore, it can be inferred that the revenue earning by the organisation would be increased. This would in turn increase the profitability statement of the organisation. The business by the organisation would be expanded in the global market. On the other hand, Killingsworth & Flynn (2016) cited that based on the SWOT analysis, the strength and weakness of the organisation would be identified. This would in turn help the organisation to improve the performance by identifying the shortcomings in their performance. Therefore, these approaches can significantly improve the performance of Wesfarmers. After analysing the overall study, it can be recommended that seven dimension of competency is required to implement within the organisation. This can effectively increase the performance of an organisation. Moreover, it can be stated that the organisation also requires to follow corporate social responsibility program to achieve the business objectives. The performance of the organisation would be successful. This study has highlighted the importance of corporate communication. In this context, this study has described the background of the organisation. In addition, this study has mentioned the position of Wesfarmers as per the RepTrak review. This highlights the financial performance of the organisation. On the other hand, this study is important to identify the stakeholders of the organisation and how they reflect the business of the company. The mission and the vision statement of Wesfarmers has described in this connection. In this study, the importance of seven dimensions of corporate competency has discussed which has enhanced the essence of the study. Arrfelt, M., Wiseman, R. M., McNamara, G., & Hult, G. T. M. (2015). 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Saturday, November 2, 2019

How Personal Can Ethics Get Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How Personal Can Ethics Get - Essay Example For this very reason, it has become matter-of-factly for executives to trade in what is moral for what is lucrative. Decision-making is an integral process of everyday life. In a nutshell, it governs everything that we do from the moment we gain consciousness everyday. We decide what time to wake up, what breakfast to eat, what clothes to wear, etc. The same goes in a business environment. Every decision that must be made affects the entire company. But more than this, it also affects the community and is not delineated to only those belonging to the company. When one looks at every decision process in this context, then greed shall not govern the action of corporate honchos that run businesses which in turn affects everyone’s lives. â€Å"There is a natural principle of benevolence in human beings which, to some extent, has the same relation to society that self-love has to the individual† (Borchart & Stewart, 1986). Culture, from the origin of the word itself means cu ltivate. It is an aspect which can be formed and molded according to the necessities of the time and the will of those forming it. It may be for the better or for the worse depending on the vision of the leader who oversees the group. The same goes for an organization and how it may develop its culture. When it is focused on short-term goals of profit generation without regard for the welfare of other people, and when this is done time and again, then it becomes a part of that company’s culture and its own identity. Once this happens it becomes difficult to break away from and willpower is necessary to steer it into its right track. But when an organization builds from within itself a culture of excellence with concern for other members of the community, then this emanates and the growth of the organization becomes evident as all members have the common goal and the common missions that they must adhere to. Whole Foods Market presents an example for a company that strives to change the perception of a business venture and make it an overall experience for its customers. Founded by John Mackey in 1980, the small company has grown into a large corporation with 170 stores. Driven by the idea to make grocery shopping a whole new experience, Mackey launched the company which incorporated a wide array of choices and interactive experience with its courteous and informed employees. Steve Demos of White Wave says, â€Å"Wall Street – that’s where the fun begins. They only measure one thing, the bottom line. My goal is to demonstate that the principle-based business model is more profitable than its counterpart, and when we do, Wall Street will chase us instead of the other way around† (Slocum & Hellriegel, 2007). Like Demos, Mackey ardently believes in not sticking by the rules laid out in Wall Street whhere big and fast profit is the name of the game. He argues that a steady growth directed at a long-term goal is the way to go rather than relying on quarterly figures to determine the next steps of the company. Whole Foods even went so far as to release a ‘Declaration of Interdependence’ affirming their motto: â€Å"Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.† Corporate greed had always been regarded as an acceptable reality in our society. Big busineeses always had been denoted as having attained their status based on shady transactions and corporate manipulations that CEOs must